5 Ways to Homeschool Thankfulness

by The Coop Homeschool "Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude."A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh An attitude of gratitude is a big thing in our house. According to articles (based on research) in Psychology Today, New York Times, and other sources, gratitude leads to... Continue Reading →

ADHD Awareness: Treatment Options

by Laura Malone A couple of weekends ago, my daughters and I took a “Girls’ Trip” through the Texas hill country. We made an impromptu stop at a prayer garden where people had written prayer requests with marker on rocks and left them in the flower beds on top of a quiet hill overlooking a... Continue Reading →

ADHD Awareness: Testing & Diagnosis

by Laura Malone If you’re reading this post, chances are that last week’s post, ADHD Awareness: Signs and Symptoms, hit a little too close to home. If this is a new realization, you could be worried for your child's future yet hesitant to take action. You might be thinking, “Maybe I should wait and see... Continue Reading →

A Day in the Life of Our Homeschool

by Laura Malone In my early years of homeschooling, I splurged and bought myself a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. It was a quarterly publication and I would eagerly count down the weeks until the new one would arrive in the mail. I wildly devoured it from cover to cover. Not having close friends... Continue Reading →

Creating Homeschool Habits that Stick

August 24, 2020 // by Laura Malone So the school year is in full swing, you planned and prepared in every possible way, but you’re finding it’s painfully difficult to transform all your new wonderful ideas into habits that stick. Take a deep breath, my friend. Your plan can be successful. The magic is not... Continue Reading →

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